I frequently speak to business owners who haven’t yet created a unified vision. “If I were to ask all of your staff individually ‘Where will the company be in five years time?’ would I get the same answer from everyone?” the most common answer is “I’d like to think so”. Of course you’d like to think so, but leadership needs to be more proactive than that. If they don’t give the same answer then on a daily basis they’re all pulling in different directions.

Creating a shared vision and common goals is transformative in a business. When everyone knows where the company is going, and they know the answer to “what’s in it for me?”, you’ll see the company take off. It takes on a life of its own because you’ve transplanted a vision into them, so now they can steer themselves. You still need to keep them on course, but it’s a lot easier than without the vision.
To accompany the vision should be a plan. It’s about you and the team knowing where you’re going (the shared vision) and how you’re going to get there (the plan). The 5-year plan should be simple – I recommend keeping it on one page. And a plan for the coming 12 months in more detail, but still on one page, or one page per division of the company. When you and the team see these plans… you and they ‘get it’. It’s transformative and it’s like magic. Allow me to give you a brief overview of how to do this.

1. Crafting a Compelling Vision

The first step is to dream big. Your vision should be bold, clear, and articulate where you want your company to be in the next five years. It’s this vision that will serve as your North Star, guiding every decision and strategy. It needs to be inspiring and meaningful.

2. Strategic Alignment Across the Board

Ensure that every strategy, every goal, and every action is in harmony with this vision. Alignment transforms individual efforts into a symphony of progress, where everyone contributes to the collective achievement. In a larger business, ensure every department leader creates a simple plan showing how they will play their part in achieving the vision, this year and over five years.

3. Cultivating a Sense of Ownership

When team members are involved in shaping the vision and understand their role in realising it, they develop a deep sense of ownership and commitment. This is the cornerstone of a proactive and engaged team.

4. The Power of Inspirational Leadership

As leaders, your belief in the vision and your ability to communicate its value are crucial. Your passion is contagious; it’s what turns skeptics into believers and challenges into opportunities. When someone says “but we can’t…” re-frame it with “How might you achieve it?” and help them find a way.

5. Measuring Progress and Celebrating Milestones

Set clear milestones and celebrate them. These moments of recognition are key to maintaining momentum and morale on the journey to your vision. The thing people misunderstand about plans is that it’s not about sticking rigidly to them – it’s about knowing when you’re off-track so that you can get back on-track!

Action Point: Engage Your Team in Vision Crafting

This week, take the first step towards a future defined by success and unity. Initiate conversations around your vision for the next five years. Involve your team in every step of the process, from crafting the vision to celebrating the milestones. Set aside a full day to work on your vision and create the plans. Remember, a team aligned behind a shared vision is unstoppable.