Personal Productivity Archives - Reading & Wokingham - ActionCOACH

Tag Archives: Personal Productivity

Plan tomorrow

Make tomorrow's plan before you leave the office each day

Plan tomorrow before you finish today. Make it the team culture to plan for the next day before leaving the office. Tomorrow's plan will increase performance, productivity, clarity of purpose and motivation

Work harder on yourself

Do you work hard at your job?

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you find any aspect of your job difficult - take it as a sign that you need to improve your skills in that area - make a plan to up-skill.

3D rule - Dit, Drop it, or Delegate it

Quickly complete your to-do list using the 3D rule

The 3D rule is a way to narrow your choices and act on your list of priorities. The choices for each item are: • Do it! (Now, or in the next hour) • Drop it! • Delegate it!

Delegation, ActionCOACH Team Excellence

Four phases of delegation

Why don’t we use delegation more? The reasons I often hear are: “I tried it, and it didn’t work…” “It takes longer to delegate than to just do it myself…” “They just don’t listen so they do it the wrong way…” “If I want something…