At the end of every day make it a habit to plan tomorrow
Most people don’t plan their time at all. Many start the day by writing their “to-do” list. It’s actually much better to do it at the end of the day when it’s all still fresh in your mind; It takes less time to think of what has to be done tomorrow. Ideally keep a list during the day so that tomorrow’s list is mostly done anyway.
Imagine if, through doing this, you could save just one hour every week? It might not sound much, but that would equal 52 hours a year! If you work 7 hours a day, it would mean that you’re gaining over 7 full working days per year! Wouldn’t that make it worth giving this a go?
Do you ever find it hard to ‘switch off’ from thinking about work when you get home in the evenings? It’s very common. We worry about things and think “must remember, must remember” and it turns into a worry. Reserving fifteen minutes at the end of every day and plan tomorrow. You get it all in writing and off your conscious mind. Instead of nagging thoughts about things you need to remember – your mind can relax.
After writing tomorrow’s plan, your subconscious mind automatically gets to work on the tasks you’ve written for tomorrow. This may sound a little odd if you’re new to the study of the subconscious, but just give it a go. Everything feels easier when you start work the next day. Ideas spring to mind more readily. It feels motivating when you sit down at your desk and already knowing what you need to do today. The plan will need to change during the day, we all know that ‘shift happens’ and we need to accommodate. But at least you’re just dealing with changes, the plan as a whole is there.

Plan tomorrow before today is over
Make tomorrow’s plan the team culture
If you manage a team of people, make it standard practice that no one leaves without first writing their plan for tomorrow. Have them leave it on top of the desk so that you, and everyone else, can see that everyone is organised. Don’t believe this is possible? I know offices where it happens, and it works. The staff there consider it entirely normal and don’t have to be forced – they know the advantages and like the culture it creates. Create this culture in your company today and see amazing results.
Not all teams welcome change – some treat it with cynicism – “Here’s another great idea that won’t last”. If that’s how it feels for you, I suggest a few options. The first is that you consistently live this idea yourself for at least a full month before you roll it out for the team. During that month, don’t highlight it and certainly don’t ‘gloat’ over how well you’re planning. Demonstration of how well it works and don’t rub their noses in it!
Introduce it to a few team members or even just one at a time. And when introducing it to them, make it all about their benefits, not a favour to you or a new rule. “I plan tomorrow at the end of each day – I think you might find it beneficial too.”. You might even suggest they commit to it for just one week and see how it goes. When team members see a benefit to themselves – they’ll stick to it even when you’re not there; If they do it because you made it a rule… they’ll only do it while you’re around and checking. Make it a beneficial part of the culture.